Since 2019 to December, 2023 TYEGD has been implementing the African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) as a secondary partner to the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) through Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation funding. The aim of the project was to increase the availability of appropriate and affordable technologies to sustainably improve cassava productivity in the short and long-term agricultural productivity in cassava in the target countries such as Tanzania and Nigeria. Its main objectives were as illustrated below;
- To generate basic information on cassava growth and nutrient requirements to enable the development of improved agronomic recommendations.
- To develop site-specific recommendations based on smallholder farmer resources and production objectives enabling farmers to reduce cassava yield gaps.
- To develop a decision support framework for development partners interacting with smallholder cassava farmers that allows bringing recommendations to scale up.
- To develop scientific capacity within the national research systems by engaging them in transformative cassava Result for Development (R4D).
TYEGD in collaboration with other project partners and local government authorities implemented the project covering the district of Butiama, Bunda, and Musoma rural in the Mara region and Ilemela district in the Mwanza region. It reached out to cassava value chain actors including individual farmers, farmer groups, producers, processors, buyers, extension agents, financial institutions, input suppliers, and government officials in facilitating the use and dissemination of AKILIMO contents which is an agronomic advisory service developed for and with smallholder farmers which can continue to address the mentioned problems.
TYEGD partnered with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), esoko , TARI and other value chain actors to implement the African Cassava Agronomy Initiatives which used the AKILIMO use cases in addressing the issue of productivity among cassava farmers. Despite the fact that, there were so many changes that were brought by the program within a short period of time, we however intend to take the efforts to the next level to ensure that we address the stated challenges and sustaining the project activities, the project materials designed, and approved as the best decision tools to be used by actors, particularly the cassava farmers in increasing cassava production and its productivity.
Accomplishments and deliverables
- A total of 14,091 (7,264M & 6,827F) farmers were reached through various training sessions conducted in project areas by TYEGD staff, extension agents, and lead farmers
- Trained a total of 101 (80M & 21F) extension agents working with Cassava farmers producer groups/ associations, Lead farmers as ToT on Akilimo contents
- Conducted a ToT training to 41 (36M&5F) extension agents on dissemination/MEL framework for tracking dissemination and data upload to EAs working with cassava farmers producer groups/associations
- Mobilized cassava farmers through various approaches including; group training, learning events, the establishment of demonstration sites, community meetings, participation in the agricultural exhibition, and video shows to ensure that, they gain necessary knowledge and skills related to cassava crop cultivation such as; the recommendation to the use of fertilizers, plating schedule, and weed management
- Identified a total of 252 active farmers involved in cassava production for easy reach out for agricultural services
- Established six (6) demonstration sites for practical learning and enhancing the understanding of AKILIMO contents through various use cases. The establishment of these plots was a collaborative work between TYEGD, IITA, Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), district councils, extension agents, and farmer groups
- Identified cassava association, processors, and buyers formed groups in every ward within program coverage areas
- Facilitated the formation of 293 farmer groups in Bunda, Butiama and Musoma rural districts
- A total of 10 Woman and Youth Farmer Groups were linked and benefited to access loans from Bunda and Butiama District council at a very minimal interest rate to support their agricultural production activities.
- A total of 60 Lead Farmers from Bunda, Butiama, and Musoma rural have been trained on AKILIMO contents to support farmers and farmers groups in their locality
- Profiled 10,625 cassava farmers in Bunda, Butiama, and Musoma Rural Districts through extension agents through INSTY data systems for agriculture and remote extension services
- Facilitated the signing of an MoU between 11farmers’ groups and cassava buyers within Bunda and Butiama district council
Lesson learned
- The need for integrating gender issues in cassava value chain activities in the Mara region is high because most of the agricultural activities are taken over by Women with minimal participation from Men and young people
- Farmers who participated in the establishment and management of demonstration plots were able to prove the results of the promoted recommendations from AKILIMO use cases e.g. the use of fertilizers
- Most of the stakeholders appreciate the design of AKILIMO contents and propose its applicability to other crops
- Extension agents and TYEGD staff acquired new knowledge enough to cascade in other grown crops in the areas and during planning and training
- Strengthened the relationship between TYEGD and other stakeholders including cassava producers, buyers, processors, financial institutions, and markets.
- Demonstration plots have been a cornerstone for learning among farmers
- Improved bundling services are highly needed when working with farmers so that they don’t stick along the way. All cassava value chain actors need to be harmonized together to encourage farmers who would wish to excel in production to the next level.
- When farmers are united in groups, it becomes easier for them to be supported by different stakeholders including government and financial facilities.
New opportunities
- Train cassava farmers and support processing machines to add value for their products hence improve their earning incomes
- Introduction of scale farming projects to meet the demands of cassava buyers in Mara and Mwanza regions
- Increase demand for high-quality cassava cuttings (seeds) in project areas. Most of the farmers were over-excited about cassava crop cultivation while there is a low supply or availability of cassava cuttings in the area.
- AKILIMO contents can be contextualized to be used for other crops in areas such as sweet potatoes, maize, millets, and sorghum
- Introduction of Social Behavioral Change and Communication (SBCC) components in addressing farmers’ attitudes towards the use of fertilizers and other modernized technology in increasing agricultural production and productivity
- Farmer’s willingness to shift to commercial kind of production with increased farm size
- Farmers need to be linked with strong and reputable input suppliers for them to be able to adhere to the agronomical recommendations for improving their agricultural production
- Involvement of the young generation in agricultural activities in schools and communities to promote a modernized way of crop cultivation with the use of AKILIMO tools
- Promote the initiation of Agricultural Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS) to be involved in cassava production activities and unite all farmers in the area
- Expand project coverage to other remained districts in Mara and other regions
- Introduction of cassava farm schools for farmers’ practical learning and production of high-quality cassava cuttings.
- The need for integrating gender issues in cassava value chain activities in the Mara region is high because most of the agricultural activities are taken over by Women with minimal participation from Men.
- TYEGD have widened the partners and collaborators data by rough engaging with several partners under ACAI project.
- Supply of herbicides to cassava farmers to improve harvesting